If you keep your mind forever in a positive frequency you can avoid bringing these types of illnesses into the lives of the people around you, it’s the best thing you can do for the world is remove some of the negativity and add to the positive energy, it’s something that not many people are doing so therefore you can be proud of yourself because you are one of the few people who add to the positive pool. I always try to remain in a very happy place, by being in this place I’m able to help other people progress and become better in the process, I enjoy being happy because it feels a lot better than being sad and or angered, even though there are a lot of things in my life that I cant control I still don’t let those issues define me our control my emotions. Mental disorders can be very disabling if you allow them to dig deep inside the subconscious, once they get down deep enough they eventually will plant their seeds and take root once inside of your mind, after that it will be very difficult to remove them because they become common thought. I’m mostly concerned about others, but by giving love to others I in turn give love to myself, and that kind of positivity removes stress from my mind and helps me to navigate through the world in a positive mind frame, you owe it to the people around you your children, your wife, your husband, your friends, add to this positive pool that is slowly becoming more and more empty everyday especially in America.