A lot of people don’t understand the concept of non-physical trauma affecting a person in such a way, that’s why they tried to say mental illness is brain damage, it’s an easier way to understand the concept of what mental illness is, if it comes from something physical, but in the real world it doesn’t come from physical affects, it comes from other people bringing negativity into your life, our you causally stressing over situations that you have no control over. Brain-damaged is a very serious thing and it can severely affect your motor skills, and various other aspects of your everyday life, but can it cause extreme mental illness, no mental illness is something that lines right up with your everyday social interactions with people, and your confidence within yourself, and the love that you receive in your life. It’s very difficult for people to navigate around these very simple aspects of life, so therefore that level of negativity forms in the mind starts to warp your very personality, severe mental trauma it’s what causes mental illness, not that savior physical traumatic doesn’t contribute, but brain-damaged is in the factor. What brain damage does to the body is a totally different thing that was classified as brain-damaged it has to be in its own category because it affects the body in totally different aspects. Symptoms of depression like mental disorders and overall behavioral health is determined by the positive and negative influences in your life, these influences pretty much determine your overall mental state later in life, it is the people around you that you grow up with and raise you that determine what type of person you end up being and if you end up contracting any sort of mental illnesses. At the end of the day it’s up to you to take your mind back and get past these illnesses and become a productive member of society, you can’t necessarily blame anything on another person when you’re a grown ass man or woman.