I always like to take time out of my day to reflect on what I’m grateful for, and then I think about what it is that I want and I visualize that as if I already have it right now, by doing this I put my mind in a peaceful state. It’s not easy to change one’s mental state, it takes a long period of time and patience, when I first read up on various things you should do to become mentally stable or less depressed, some would say more focused but whatever title you put on it it’s the same thing, it’s just focusing your mind off what you want and what you love. It’s not easy because the mind is conditioned to think in a very negative way, especially because we come up in such negative environments and the people around us feel as if they can do nothing about their situation, and by the people around us I mean past and present especially past, the people in the past when you were growing up, their negativity is with you every day and until you shake that negativity off of you the mine remains in a negative state or frequency. I’m very concerned about how I feel inside, if I don’t feel positive in my heart than my physical aura or facial expression and body language will express the fact that I am unhappy, and the last thing I want is for my negativity to affect someones day. How to improve mental health issues, concentrate on what it is that makes you happy it’s not the easiest thing to do but if you continuously do it then it becomes a habit.