If you are a person that suffers from all these conditions because of lot’s of stress and negativity brought into your life, then you are in a position to take your mind back an focus on the positive and remove the cloud of stress from your mind, but if you’re a person who has a chemical imbalance then you definitely need to seek medicine or more adequate medical help. It’s a very tricky situation but when it’s all said and done mental illness is very real, the rise of mental illness isn’t because of the rise of medication, the rise of mental illnesses is because of the direction our society is going in, were very negative society built on disrespect dishonesty and disloyalty. I don’t understand why people don’t see exactly why they’re so stress and negative, you look at all these reality shows and view all this negativity 24 hours a day and then you ask yourself why your depressed, it’s because you’re not allowing any positivity in your life your just watching these very negative events not knowing that they have a very negative effect on you vice versa. Once we wake up and realize we pretty much taken a nightmare pill and that our society is built so that we will be mentally incapable of controlling our own thoughts and actions, will start to take our minds back and focus on what it is that makes us happy. Mental health issues lead to clinical depression and mental disorders, we need to take care of ourselves and not ignore what’s within our minds.