Alcoholism mental illness symptoms. Alcoholism and any other drug addiction is classified as a mental illness, symptoms of depression will start to develop as long as you abuse alcoholic beverages, various mental disorders can start to pop up because of this, a lot of people that use alcohol might require suicide prevention. It’s very hard for a person that suffers from alcoholism, it’s not necessarily a very easy habit to shake some may think, it’s a very powerful drug that affects a lot more people then every day cocaine and other substances, and if a person is on other substances usually they still drink alcohol. Mental illness can develop through alcohol abuse not to mention the effect it has on the family, people who suffer from alcoholism usually put their family through an incredibly large array of stress, at the end of day most likely a large portion of the family will end up abusing alcohol later on in life, this is due to the large amount of negativity introduced in there lives at an early age.
It’s an unfortunate circumstance but that’s life, I’m always concerned about those who go through situations like this and how their mental health will be affected by it later on in life, alcoholism is a very serious thing it not only affects you but it affects everyone around you, alcoholism can turn an incredibly wealthy and sane man into a bomb in less than a year’s time. It’s amazing how the effects of alcohol continuously become more powerful as a user continues to abuse the substance, this is simply because the tolerance of the abuser continuously goes up so therefore they require an increased amount of liquor to numb the pain that they’re feeling inside. Because of this it has a even more adverse affect on the body causing and develop various mental illnesses such as severe depression, alcohol is a depressant naturally it makes people depressed, most people don’t understand that and then they wonder why the more they drink the more depressed they become. My number one concern with alcohol is the fact that the depression can reach a level in which people start to contemplate suicide, once a person starts to contemplate suicide the situation becomes dire at that point. I’m really worried about a lot of different families that I know because the father in the family is a heavy abuser of alcohol, because of his heavy alcohol abuse he’s very negative and standoffish with his children and he is always criticizing them and attacking them about something. This negativity will rub off on the child and later on in life their likelihood of becoming an alcoholic is increased.
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