I’ve always tried to steer clear of excessive alcohol usage, simply because my father was an alcoholic, knowing this and seeing the effects it had on him I strive to make sure that I keep my mind pure and stay away from substance that cloud my judgment. Mental illness is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, symptoms of depression and various other mental disorders will start to show up as soon as you began to overly abuse alcohol, this will severely affect the outcome of your life you might need to start taking depression medication, unfortunately they recommend that you don’t take this medication with alcohol. Alcohol has been around for quite some time and it’s one of the only legal drugs, realistically it’s offensive much worse than a lot of major hard-core drugs out there, the majority of people that use hard-core drugs usually drink alcohol, because alcohol pretty much links back to every single major addiction. You always want to try to keep your mind in a positive frequency, this becomes much more difficult when you’re dealing with something as severe as alcoholism, I always try to make sure I hope those that suffer from this condition because I don’t want them to end up like my father, it’s very difficult to help someone when they’re dealing with this issue they’re not liable to listen to you. It’s bad enough that having a substance within their bodies is negatively affecting it but at the same time it’s negatively affecting the mind, and once the mind starts thinking in a negative capacity different illnesses start to pop up throughout the body, so you basically hitting yourself with a double-edged sword a substance that affects the body and the mind.