When people enter a relationship with outside problems and issues, they automatically jeopardize the situation with their drama, people with an addictive personality usually enter relationship already addicted to various forms of drugs, because of this, these people will most likely ruin their relationships due to their attention being solely focused on their addiction, it’s very difficult for these people to navigate throughout life without running into a situation in Which captures their attention for long periods of time causing them to miss out on the things life really has to offer. I really feel sorry for people with addictive personalities because they develop habits so easily they hit pitfalls very often, but it’s very difficult for them to run into anyone that actually will deal with their bull, it’s something that you can help, you can easily resist against the cosmic habit force that you develop with these drugs or activities, it’s going to take some hard work but it will be Worth it because it’ll save a lot of relationships throughout life. I know a lot of people with addictive personalities, once they try something once they try it again and again, after that they are pretty much hooked to whatever substance there using, I’m very concerned about these people and their state of life simply because it’s no way to live, being addicted to various substances and letting them control your everyday life is no way to live, in this world There is already enough to worry about. If you are in a relationship with a person that has an addictive personality, if this is bringing lots of negativity into your life that your incapable of handling, most likely you should get out of it but if you’re capable of dealing with this person then you definitely need to help them because they need you in the long run.