You will find the passion that I describe above to get past a stressful situation no matter how detrimental to your character no matter how frightening no matter how serious the situation might be. People have risen from worse circumstances, remember this is the future so therefore just the fact that we have the resources that we have right now makes it so that the previous generation defiantly went through more than we have. Imagine being in a poor family in 1939 that family would have been 10 times more poorer than your family is right now because poor was considered a different thing back then. Nowadays if you make $2000 a month your not necessarily a middle-class citizen, back in the day if you made $2000 a month you were a upper-class citizen It was a good salary. The definition of poor back then was totally different than what it is now, in the technical resources were incredibly limited. No matter what you do in life where you’re born in life you will have some sort of obstacles in your way no person is without them. Even if you’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth the person who provides a silver spoon for you might be the most horrible vindictive man in the world. Lot’s of people don’t have access to mental-health technicians mental health resources or depression medicine, if you have access to any of these things you’re definitely in a better position than most, remember there is always someone who’s worse off than you.