The field of therapy comes from psychology the field is constantly growing right along with medicine as well, the field of psychology an the field of medicine was separated for some time, but eventually people realize that the highest contributing factor to medical defects our physical illness is mental instability or stress. Because of this discovery psychology has gained a large amount of respect amongst those in the medical field, realizing that positivity is the highest contributing factors to a great and healthy life, once they realize this it was very easy for them to introduce new techniques in the field of psychology, I respect the field of psychology simply because it’s a very bold field to get in, you really have to be serious if you want to get involved in this profession there are a lot of skeptics out there. These skeptics are starting to disappear because psychology is becoming widely accepted in Hollywood, because of this a lot of people feel like they needed therapist our they need a psychologist simply because a lot of people that they look up to have a psychologist or therapists, realistically everyone needs someone to talk to but having someone to talk to that’s a professional, is a lot better for us. Mental illness an psychology our symptoms of depression, mental disorders and suicide prevention, these are some examples of various factors that psychology contributes its services to, they call them mental health resources.