Realistically your great grandpa had clinical depression as well, and that’s because of all the negativity brought into his life he just reflected that negativity back at your grandpa so now he has clinical depression. Now your grandpa has your dad and he’s incredibly negative with him pretty much reflecting the exact energy that his dad gave him, so now your dad starts to develop symptoms of depression, and it seems like various other mental disorders start to arise as well. It only happens like this because every generation gets worse, every generation becomes more stress and more negative as time goes on, so therefore the situation only becomes more stressful and more harmful to the mind, the best thing for you to do is break the cycle. Now when it comes to a chemical imbalance science hasn’t necessarily been able to prove that that’s a hereditary thing, but as far as stress and anxiety is concerned negativity is being passed down from generation to generation. It’s kind of how people pass down racism from generation to generation, they just hand that negativity over to their children, and then their children hand the negativity over to their children and it continues to pass down from generation to generation. It’s a very unfortunate turn of events but realistically someone has to break the cycle, because if someone doesn’t break the cycle then your family only makes worse and worse generations of itself until eventually it ceases to exist, you’ll be the last member of your family tree. It’s incredibly unfortunate that things have to go down like this but society is a cold mistress as long as we have this my kids are my kids mentality, kids are going to grow up to be just like the people around them, now if it was a village raising the child he would have a much better chance of being positive.