I don’t however consider something like depression a mental illness, a person that is depressed has full control over their actions and what they do. A person that has depression can easily switch off the negative thoughts within their mind spinning them in the position of depression in the first place. A person that suffers from extreme stress can simply remove themselves from that situation causing the depression to subside. So therefore its not what I would consider a true mental illness, a true mental illness is a person with autism or something extreme that they can’t control something that is chemical, something that requires medication, and I know what you’re saying well depression has medications as well, but you can kick depression without medication you can kick stress and anxiety without medication on the other hand you can’t necessarily kick multiple personality disorder without medication or some sort of help you cant kick borderline schizophrenia without some sort of medication or some sort of help you cant kick anything that ells the mind because of a chemical imbalance without some sort of medication or help. So anything that you can pretty much solved by taking back your own mind, or removing yourself from stressful environments is not what I would necessarily consider a mental illness it doesn’t necessarily qualify for the book of mental illnesses that I would write. Depression medicine for mental disorders and behavioral health are available but one should look to himself for the answer. If you would like more information on this topic please Click Here!